Drawing with Cairo: Getting Started

It is possible to draw quite complex figures in Gtk2Hs, on screen and in several file formats, using the Cairo drawing library. Drawing in Gtk2Hs is not very different from drawing in original Cairo, though that subject is large enough to merit its own tutorials.

See the Cairo Documentation Site for that.

Drawing to the screen or in portable network graphics (png), portable document format (pdf), postscript (ps) or scaleable vector graphics (svg) formats of any Cairo drawing uses some special syntax in Gtk2Hs. The goal of this appendix is to explain what basic functions you need.

1. Drawing

First the Cairo Graphics module must be imported with import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo. Then the following function defines an actual drawing:

myDraw :: Render ()
myDraw = do
    setSourceRGB 1 1 0
    setLineWidth 5

    moveTo 120 60
    lineTo 60 110
    lineTo 180 110

The type of this function is Render () and from the do notation you can gather that Render is a monad. Note that this is not the IO monad, which is used in Graphics.UI.Gtk . The figure, a triangle, is defined by the moveTo, lineTo and closePath functions, which do what the names suggest. They do not, however, draw anything, but rather define a path, which is to be followed. The actual drawing of this path is done by the stroke function. First, however, the color of the lines and their width must be specified.

Now this figure can be drawn. For this we need a blank widget, with DrawingArea type. However, you don't draw on this widget itself, the canvas in the example below, but on its DrawWindow . To get it you use:

widgetGetDrawWindow :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> IO DrawWindow
or, alteratively, the simpler:
drawingAreaGetDrawWindow :: DrawingArea -> IO DrawWindow

Now you can use:

renderWithDrawable :: DrawableClass drawable => drawable -> Render a -> IO a

But this drawing must be executed in response to an event. One possibility would be an onButtonPress event as used in Chapter 6.2 with the Event Box. This actually works. Each time the window is resized the drawing disappears, and it is drawn again when you click the button. There is another event, however, the Expose event, which sends a signal each time the window is resized or redrawn on the screen. This fits what is required, so we use:

onExpose canvas (\x -> do renderWithDrawable drawin myDraw
                          return (eventSent x))

This is how it looks:

Appendix 1 Example a

A frame has also been included, for visual effect, but this is inessential. But note that the widgetShowAll function appears before the widgetGetDrawWindow function in the code below. This is required because only a visible window can be used to draw on!

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

main :: IO ()
main= do
     window <- windowNew
     set window [windowTitle := "Hello Cairo",
                 windowDefaultWidth := 300, windowDefaultHeight := 200,
                 containerBorderWidth := 30 ]

     frame <- frameNew
     containerAdd window frame
     canvas <- drawingAreaNew
     containerAdd frame canvas
     widgetModifyBg canvas StateNormal (Color 65535 65535 65535)

     widgetShowAll window 
     drawin <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
     onExpose canvas (\x -> do renderWithDrawable drawin myDraw
                               return (eventSent x))
     onDestroy window mainQuit

myDraw :: Render ()
myDraw = do
    setSourceRGB 1 1 0
    setLineWidth 5

    moveTo 120 60
    lineTo 60 110
    lineTo 180 110


This example does not really do what we want because, though the figure is redrawn, it does not resize with the main window. To do this we need:

myDraw :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
myDraw w h = do
    setSourceRGB 1 1 1

    setSourceRGB 1 1 0
    setLineWidth 5

    moveTo (0.5 * w) (0.43 * h)
    lineTo (0.33 * w) (0.71 * h)
    lineTo (0.66 * w) (0.71 * h)

Now the drawing will always fit the borders defined by the parameters. We've also set the background color with the paint function, instead of widgetModify . The paint function paints the current source everywhere within the current clip region. Note that setSourceRGB not only takes a Double between 0 and 1 as its parameters instead of Int values between 0 and 65535, but also 'lives' within the Render monad instead of the IO monad.

To draw the resizable figure, we need to get the size of the drawing area each time this changes.

widgetGetSize :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> IO (Int, Int)

So the code snippet to draw becomes:

onExpose canvas (\x -> do (w,h) <- widgetGetSize canvas
                          drw <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
                          renderWithDrawable drw (myDraw (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))
                          return (eventSent x))

Because the rest of the code is the same as before we won't list it, but this is the result of a resizing to the right:

Appendix 1 Example b

Another drawing example, this one taken from the general Cairo Tutorial is:

Appendix 1 Example 3

This is the listing:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk  hiding (fill)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

main :: IO ()
main= do
     window <- windowNew
     set window [windowTitle := "Hello Cairo 4",
                 windowDefaultWidth := 300, windowDefaultHeight := 200,
                 containerBorderWidth := 15 ]

     frame <- frameNew
     containerAdd window frame
     canvas <- drawingAreaNew
     containerAdd frame canvas

     widgetShowAll window 
     onExpose canvas (\x ->  do (w,h) <- widgetGetSize canvas
                                drawin <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
                                renderWithDrawable drawin 
                                    (myDraw (fromIntegral w)(fromIntegral h))
                                return (eventSent x))
     onDestroy window mainQuit

myDraw :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
myDraw w h = do
           setSourceRGB 1 1 1

           setSourceRGB 0 0 0
           moveTo 0 0
           lineTo w h
           moveTo w 0
           lineTo 0 h
           setLineWidth (0.1 * (h + w))

           rectangle 0 0 (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 0.8

           rectangle 0 (0.5 * h) (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 0 1 0 0.6

           rectangle (0.5 * w) 0 (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 0 0 1 0.4

Note that this is just like the previous example, except for the actual drawing. This introduces setSourceRGBA which sets not just the color but also the transparency, as a measure between 0 and 1. The example also uses a rectangle and a method fill which fills closed figures with the specified color and transparancy.

Note: Because of a naming conflict with an older Gtk2Hs drawing library you must either hide fill in the Graphics.UI.Gtk import statement or use the full name Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.fill .

2. Saving to Files

It's very easy to save a drawing in png, pdf, ps or svg formats. 'Save' is perhaps not the correct expression, since each different format involves its own rendering. The function is:

renderWith:: MonadIO m => Surface -> Render a -> m a
The Surface is that on which the drawing appears. In these cases this is not the screen but something you'll have to provide yourself. There are four different functions, one for each type.
:: Format	                -- format of pixels in the surface to create
-> Int	                        -- width of the surface, in pixels
-> Int	                        -- height of the surface, in pixels
-> (Surface -> IO a)	        -- an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action.
-> IO a	

This is used for portable network graphics (png) files. The Format data type has four possible constructors, FormatARGB32, FormatRGB24, FormatA8, FormatA1 . In the example below we use the first. The action that takes a Surface as its argument will usually be the renderWith function followed by a function to write to a file. For the png format this would be the function:

:: Surface	                    -- a Surface
-> FilePath	                    -- the name of a file to write to
-> IO ()

So, the recipe to write a drawing to a file in png format would be:

withImageSurface  FormatARGB32 pnw pnh (\srf -> do renderWith srf (myDraw (fromIntegral pnw) (fromIntegral pnh))
                                                   surfaceWriteToPNG srf "myDraw.png")

where pnw and pnh are the width and the height in type Int .

To save a drawing in pdf format you use:

:: FilePath	               -- a filename for the PDF output (must be writable)
-> Double	               -- width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
-> Double	               -- height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
-> (Surface -> IO a)	       -- an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action.
-> IO a

This function takes different parameters than the previous on, though it is very similar. The recipe to save is now:

withPDFSurface "myDraw.pdf" pdw pdh (\s ->  renderWith s $ do myDraw pdw pdh
                                                              showPage )

Note the showPage function. Without it the program will compile, and even produce a .pdf file, but this cannot be read correctly by a pdf reader. The API documentation states the width and height are in points (and type Double ), so you'll have to check how this works out in practice.

To save a postscript file:

:: FilePath	                 -- a filename for the PS output (must be writable)
-> Double	                 -- width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
-> Double	                 -- height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
-> (Surface -> IO a)	         -- an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action.
-> IO a

To save you could use the same 'recipe' as above, or the shorter notation:

withPSSurface "myDraw.ps" psw psh (flip renderWith (myDraw psw psh >> showPage))

Finally, to save in scaleable vector graphics format, use the same syntax, but with withSVGSurface . So this would be:

withSVGSurface "myDraw.svg" pgw pgh (flip renderWith $ myDraw pgw pgh >> showPage)

An example that saves the last drawing shown above in all four formats (with different sizes) is:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk  hiding (fill)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

main :: IO ()
main= do
     window <- windowNew
     set window [windowTitle := "Save as...",
                 windowDefaultWidth := 300, windowDefaultHeight := 200] 

     let pnw = 300
         pnh = 200
       FormatARGB32 pnw pnh (\srf -> do renderWith srf (myDraw (fromIntegral pnw) (fromIntegral pnh))
                                        surfaceWriteToPNG srf "myDraw.png")

     let pdw = 720
         pdh = 720
     withPDFSurface "myDraw.pdf" pdw pdh (\s ->  renderWith s $ do myDraw pdw pdh
                                                                   showPage )
     let psw = 360
         psh = 540
        "myDraw.ps" psw psh (flip renderWith (myDraw psw psh >> showPage))

     let pgw = 180
         pgh = 360
        "myDraw.svg" pgw pgh (flip renderWith $ myDraw pgw pgh >> showPage)
     putStrLn "Press any key to quit..."
     onKeyPress window (\x -> do widgetDestroy window
                                 return (eventSent x))

     widgetShowAll window
     onDestroy window mainQuit

myDraw :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
myDraw w h = do
           setSourceRGB 1 1 1

           setSourceRGB 0 0 0
           moveTo 0 0
           lineTo w h
           moveTo w 0
           lineTo 0 h
           setLineWidth (0.1 * (h + w))

           rectangle 0 0 (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 0.8

           rectangle 0 (0.5 * h) (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 0 1 0 0.6

           rectangle (0.5 * w) 0 (0.5 * w) (0.5 * h)
           setSourceRGBA 0 0 1 0.4

Note: Please see the Graphics.Rendering.Cairo API documentation and the general Cairo tutorials and examples for more advanced uses. The Gtk2Hs distribution also comes with several interesting demonstration examples.