Software becomes Hardware
Elektronica 4 2013, p22-23
University Twente develops hardware description language based on Haskell
From Scientific Instrument to Industrial Machine
Elektronica + ES 8/9 2012, p34-35
ESI collaborates with FEI on industrial application of electron microscopy
Control for Coordination
Elektronica + ES 11/12 2011, p29-31
CWI leader European research project on distributed embedded systems control
Bird Flights in Radar View
Elektronica + ES 6/7 2011, p20-21
Systems from TNO spin-off 'Robin Radar' help prevent bird-strikes
Fraunhofer Institutes Operate Worldwide
Elektronica + ES 5 2011, p38-39
Germany's 'Fraunhofer Gesellschaft' is Europe's largest research organization
Vector Fabrics
Elektronica + ES 4 2011, p10-11
Vector Fabrics builds tools to implement parallellism in embedded code
Processes, Models and Spin
Elektronica + ES 5/6 2010, p22-23
Part 2: Checking execution paths in Promela with Linear Temporal Logic
Processes, Models and Spin
Elektronica + ES 4 2010, p20-22
Part 1: A Promela program is an executable model of distributed processes
Holst Centre bridges the Gap between Industry and University
Elektronica + ES 1/2 2009, p14-15
The Holst Centre in Eindhoven, sponsored by TNO and IMEC, specializes in pre-competitive electronics research
Elektronica + ES 9 2008, p10-11
The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) guidelines for the use of C++ in critical systems
The Ericsson Language
Elektronica + ES 9 2007, p28-29
Erlang is a functional programming language for concurrent
soft real-time embedded systems
Designing with Bluespec
Elektronica + ES 6 2007, p18-20
Bluespec's EDA tools are based on term rewriting and
functional programming
TorX generates tests by itself
Elektronica + ES 4 2007, p12 - 13
A tool for automated model based testing from the University
of Twente
The Clockless Processor
Elektronica + ES 1/2 2007, p10 - 11
The ARM 996HS is based on asynchronic logic from Handshake
NFC is Coming Closer
Elektronica + ES 12 2006, p10 - 11
Overview of Near Field Communication technology and the NFC
A Tool for Professional Sports
Elektronica + ES 11 2006, p10 - 11
An automatic tracking system for professional soccer training, jointly developed by TNO and Abatec
Minix 3
Elektronica + ES 11 2006, p16 - 17
The well known Minix operating system has been redesigned as
a very reliable and dependable Unix
Veiligheid is Programmeerbaar
Elektronica + ES 6 2006, p21, 22
Article about CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Safety
application in industrial automation
The successor to the successor of the DVD
Elektronica + ES 5 2006, p21 - 23
An article about holographic data storage and its
implementation by InPhase Technologies
Open Source Hardware
Elektronica + ES 11 2005, p 22 - 24
Article on open source in electronics and electronics design,
based on email with evangelist Jamil Khatib
Herontwerp drukt kosten Elektronica
PT Industrieel Management Oktober 2005, pp26,27
Redesign of electronic subsystems may reduce costs of high
mix/high complexity/low volume devices
Open standaard in Java
Computable September 16, 2005
An introduction to the Open Systems Gateway Interface (OSGi)
for WAN to LAN services
Straalmotor voor mobiel?
Computable August 19, 2005
An overview of the IP Multimedia Subsystem for 3G mobile
Kostenreductie door Herontwerp
Elektronica + ES 4 2005 p14, 15
Low Volume/High Mix/High Complexity OEMs save costs through
electronic redesign
Diensten vanuit WANs naar LANs
Elektronica + ES 6 2005 p8,9
An introductory overview of the OSGi standard for service
delivery from WANs to LANs
Chips met Vele Gezichten
Computable December 17, 2004
An introduction to programmable logic chips, their
technology, use and market
De plussen in SystemC
Elektronica + ES 11 2004, p14,15
SystemC is an extension of the C++ software programming
language to include hardware constructs
Hard Java in ARM processoren
Elektronica + ES 6 2004, p24 - 27
An article on Java bytecode and how it is implemented in ARMs
Jazelle processor s
SIM Cards for WLAN
Elektronica + ES 3 2004, p 28,29
An article with co-author Aad Verbunt on SIM cards, based on
the SIM event in Amsterdam
Media Dienstverlening op Maat
Computable December 12, 2003
Digital Rights Management based on an interview with DMD
Secure CEO Rist Brouwer
Computable November 21, 2003
An article on the 'Eclipse' development environment
Dumb Numbers for Internet Content
Computable November 14, 2003
Reprinted in Dutch and French Data News 01 26, 19 January
2004, p 12,13
An article on the digital object identifier and it's use
MDA at Deutsche Bank Bauspar
Computable March 28, 2003
This German Bank received the OMG prize for best Model Driven
Architecture application
De onzichtbare hand vanARM
Computable May 10, 2002
A feature on Advanced Risc Machines and their IC designs
Boundary Scan test beter
Elektronica 5, 12 - 15, (2002)
An article on the IEEE 1149.1 Boundary-Scan test method for
components and PCBs.
Statische Functionele Verificatie
Elektronica 4, 23 - 25, (2002)
Introduction to the formal verification tool Solidify from
Draadloze Communicatie met Bluetooth
Computable February 1, 2002
An introduction to Bluetooth wireless communication
Bewijzen is Weten
Elektronica 11, 31 - 34 (2001)
Formal verification may prevent design errors in hardware
Software Ontwerp volgens Hardware Model
Elektronica 6, 21 - 23 (2001)
Philips's software architecture for consumer electronics: the 'Koala' component model
De Kracht van VHDL, deel 2
Elektronica 10, 30 - 33 (2000)
Introduction to the hardware description language VHDL part
2: Simulation and Synthesis
De Kracht van VHDL, deel 1
Elektronica 9, 24 - 27 (2000)
Introduction to VHDL part 1: Entity and Architecture
Systeemontwerp en Requirementsbeheer
Elektronica 5, 34 - 37 (2000)
Software Development Life Cycle support with Requirements
Management Tools.
The Importance of Software Maintenance
PT Embedded Systems 5, 16-19, (2000)
Maintenance of (embedded) software is extremely important, yet undervalued, according to Océ and others
HSE heeft de Toekomst
Elektronica 5, 42 - 44 (2000)
Hardware/Software Co-design of embedded systems.
Programmeren met Gödel
Elektronica 94/3, 20-25 (1994)
Article about John LLoyd's logic programming language
Gödel, the successor of Prolog.
Hoe Kleiner de Hooiberg, des te Groter de Speld
Elektronica 93/17, 18-23 (1993)
Article about Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), in
particular the CLP program 'Charme'.
Beroep Kennistechnoloog
Elektronica 92/11, 16-23 (1992)
The Structured Knowledge Engineering (SKE) course from AI
company Bolesian.
Formeel Formuleren, deel 2
Elektronica 92/6, 21-25 (1992)
Mini-tutorial on mathematical logic and formal specification:
predicate logic and semantics.
Formeel Formuleren, deel 1
Elektronica 92/5, 27-31 (1992)
This first part of the tutorial on mathematical (symbolic)
logic covers formal models.
De Rol van Termreductie bij Algebraïsch
Informatie 33/10, 627-635 (1991)
Introduction to the theory of term rewrite systems and their
part in algebraic specification.
Abstracte Syntaxis Notatie
Elektronica 90/22, 21-31 (1990)
Describes the ISO 8824/5 standards Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN1) and the Basic Encoding Rules.
Amsterdamse Processen
Elektronica 90/15-16, 36-47 (1990)
Process Algebra, developed at the CWI and University of
Amsterdam, aims at communication protocols.
Inhoud krijgt Vorm in ODA
Elektronica 90/12, 46-57 (1990)
Exchange of 'Office Documents' between different systems has
been standardized in ISO 8613.
Vier Dagen MC68HC11A8, deel 2
Elektronica 90/3, 17-31 (1990)
Mini guide for Motorola's HC11 single chip microcomputer,
based on the official course.
Vier Dagen MC68HC11A8, deel 1
Elektronica 90/1-2, 19-31 (1990)
First part of the summary of Motorola's four day course on
HC11 system design.
CAM in Concreto
Elektronica 89/9, 31-43 (1989)
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)in practice. A case study
of metal processing using Miturn.
Redeneren met Vage Gegevens, deel 2
Elektronica 89/1-2, 35-43 (1989)
Applying fuzzy linguistic information (fuzzy sets and
possibility theory) in knowledge systems.
Redeneren met Vage Gegevens, deel 1
Elektronica 88/24, 36-45 (1988)
One of the first Dutch articles about 'fuzzy sets' and 'fuzzy